Niskamoon Corporation is responsible for designing, developing, approving, managing, and implementing remedial works projects in close collaboration with land users and beneficiaries. The objectives of these projects are to alleviate the long-term impacts of hydro-electric development in Eeyou Istchee, promote traditional Cree land-use practices, encourage the transfer of traditional knowledge to younger generations, and help communities adapt to the ongoing impacts of development.

Niskamoon Corporation has made many adjustments to the Remedial Works Program to ensure that it addresses the needs of trappers and land users. Funds have to be rationalized to ensure they produce expected benefits in the years ahead.


Project selection criteria
Projects target Cree youths or trappers and their family who are directly affected by the La Grande Complex and Rupert Diversion Project. The criteria applied to the selection of projects also take into account the technical feasibility of the proposed works. In addition, a selection of projects addressing the indirect impact of this development on all Crees are funded each year, provided funds are available and projects comply with Niskamoon Corporation’s policies.


Scope of the projects
Priority projects are to: (1) improve access to the territory; (2) improve shelters for traditional activities; and (3) enhance harvesting conditions (hunting territory and wildlife habitats). The following lists identify the different types of projects included in each of the categories.


1.Improvement of access to the territory

  • Multi-purpose Trans-Eeyou Istchee Trail
  • Portages
  • Upgrading access roads
  • Building parking areas
  • Building hauling ramps and canoe racks
  • Cleaning and marking navigation corridors
  • Cleaning streams for navigation
  • Snowploughing on secondary access roads
2.Improvements to shelters

  • Building new trapper cabins
  • Building individual storing facilities (sheds)
  • Building community storing facilities (warehouses)

3.Enhancement of harvesting conditions

  • Creating goose ponds, flyways, and goose-feeding areas
  • Shore-cleaning on hydro-electric reservoirs